Bounce rates are the number of visits to the site per 100 visitors. They are the number of visits to the site divided by the total number of visitors to the site. Bounce rate, or bounce, is a widely used metric, as it’s not just about how many times people […]
My Blog
7 Office Fashion Essentials
Although many people spend a large portion of their day in an office, they may not realize how it affects their appearance. The types of clothes you wear can have a profound impact on how people perceive you. Consider the following: “If you want to be taken seriously, dress the […]
How Are Science and Technology Related?
Let me share a little secret with you. When I was a kid, I used to believe science and technology were essentially the same things! However, I don’t blame my 11-year-old self as the relationship between science and technology is so intimate that whenever someone talks about science, the topic […]
Should Freelancers Establish Themselves as an LLC?
A Limited Liability Company is a kind of business entity formed under the laws of several states but may serve as more than one business. On the surface, it looks like a company, but it is a separate legal entity. When it is formed, it is not technically a “C […]
What is Agritourism?
When you think of Agritourism, what comes to mind? Perhaps a farm field or a small town with a farmer’s market, a family picking apples in New England, a small family farm in the heart of the American Midwest. Agritourism is an umbrella term for any form of tourism that […]
Team Building Remote: Dos and Do Nots
Building a team remotely doesn’t have to be hard, especially if you implement a solid Remote Work Policy that benefits your employees and your business. If you’re a manager and you want to hire people around the world, there are a few things you should know to make sure that […]
The Benefits of VoIP
VoIP has become a popular communication method for businesses in recent years, but what is it? How does it work, and what is it used for? Let’s take a closer look at VoIP technology (also known as Internet Telephony) and the benefits it can bring to your business. What is […]
Telematics and You
Telematics is a technology that has been applied to vehicles for many years, and the technology is continuously evolving. It is an innovation that has now also been applied to mobile phones, and it is now being considered as the next big thing in the telecommunications industry. In the coming […]
What to Do When A Data Breach Happens
Data breaches are one of the most common types of cyberattacks that happen today, and they can happen to anyone. All it takes is for one employee to click on a phishing email, and a data breach can easily occur. You may want to ask yourself, what to do if […]
Tracking Fuel Costs With Your Commercial Fleet
A commercial fleet is a group of vehicles that are built for business purposes, and it’s a critical component of a business’s transportation plan, with the use of trucking software as well as other vehicle software to help with transportation. From delivery trucks to work vans to police cruisers, a […]